30 April 2009


Below are a list of key acronyms to help understand the terminology commonly used:

BI - Business Intelligence

BPE - Business Process Engineering

BPM - Business Performance Management

BPM - Business Process Management

CPM - Corporate Performance Management

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

DBMS - Database Management System

EAI - Enterprise Application Integration

EPM - Enterprise Performance Management

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

SaaS - Software as a Service

SOA - Service Oriented Architecture


CEO - Chief Executive Officer

CFO - Chief Financial Officer

CIO - Chief Information Officer

COO - Chief Operating Officer

CTO - Chief Technical Officer

FM - Financial Manager

HR - Human Resources

IT - Information Technology

Technical Terms

API - Application Programming Interface

BAM - Business Activity Monitoring

BPEL - Business Process Execution Language

BPMN - Business Process Modelling Notation

EDRM - Electronic Document and Records Management System

GUI - Graphical User Interface

MOSS - Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server

ODBC - Open Database Connectivity

OLAP - Online Analytical Processing

OLTP - Online Transaction Processing

QI - Quality Improvement

R&D - Research & Development

SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol

SQL - Structured Query Language

XML - Extensible Markup Language

Business Terms

KPI - Key Performance Indicator

LOB - Line of Business

ROI - Return on Investment

VC - Variable Cost

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